I was trying to add some “social” flavor to my website. Who doesn’t these days? The most important network in my mind are Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin so I would like something that can share in these network in
Watch Chinese online movie/TV on your IPAD or IPhone outside of China
My mother-in-law recently came to visit us from China. One thing she enjoys doing is watching all kinds of movies or TV episodes online from Chinese website such as www.youku.com, tv.sohu.com and www.tudou.com. But many of them limit the access
Add Google AdSense to Your Website
One of the purpose of building this TipsArea (TPA) website is to experience the various subjects involved in the process. So I would also like to share the journey in my posts. You are witness of the growing of this
Setup Your blog website in One Hour
Thinking about putting up a website can be mind boggling, HTML, PHP, MySQL, scripts, blabla. But it turn out that there are many websites provide you all the tools you need to build a website and reduce the daunting task
How Do Tech Companies Make Their Money
I was setting up my account in Twitter this afternoon and within minutes I’ve got 2 followers. From one of the follower’s blog I found an interesting article which has a link to the following website. It is not an
The First TPA Post
After spending a couple hours in researching, registering DNS name and web hosting from godaddy.com, my website is up and running. Thanks for the free available templates out there, it looks pretty good. So, here we come TipsArea!!