It is the most important festival of the year in Chinese culture: Spring Festival. And the new cultural event that catches the most eyeballs in China, like it or not, is the Spring Festival Gala from Chinese Central TV (CCTV, not the closed circuit TV).
In previous years, the people oversea has to take a lot of trouble to watch through unofficial channels over internet. Many times the quality is not so great.
However something special is happening, CCTV setup official streams for people oversea for the Gala. You can watch it on Youtube and Facebook.
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<span id="fbPhotoPageCaption" class="fbPhotosPhotoCaption" tabindex="0" data-ft="{"tn":"*G","type":45}"><span class="hasCaption">春晚,是中國人不可或缺的春節記憶。闔家團聚,伴著年夜<wbr />飯、在窗外此起彼伏的爆竹聲中看春晚、拜年,一起迎接倒<wbr />計時,已經成為中國人共度春節的方式。今年除夕夜,我們<wbr />與全球華人一起迎接羊年的到來,北京時間2月18日晚2<wbr />0:00起,CCTV中文將為您在Facebook以及<wbr />YouTube直播2015年央視春晚! 請關注羊年春晚直播地址: PC端:<a href="" rel="nofollow"><wbr />CCTV.CH/app_266224890138398</a> 移動端:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow nofollow"><wbr />hls-live/livepkgr/<wbr />_definst_/liveevent/<wbr />livestream.m3u8</a> YouTube:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow nofollow"><wbr />vPuFmoadW_w</a></span></span> |
It is an interesting move, given that Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are still blocked website in mainland China. But anyway, it good for use who living outside of China and still want to share the most important moment with family and friends. Hope you enjoy it.