(Updated 09/30/2014: it has been confirmed that all iPhone6/6 Pluse purchased from Apple retail store (not from carrier stores) are UNLOCKED for international use. For ATT, Tmobile and Verizon version, they are UNLOCKED for US carriers as well. Sprint version
How to Sync iPhone with new PC
Sync your iPhone with your new PC can be tricky, because if you try to sync to a second PC directly it will complain you that you are already syncing with iTunes in another PC. Here I am going to
Watch Chinese online movie/TV on your IPAD or IPhone outside of China
My mother-in-law recently came to visit us from China. One thing she enjoys doing is watching all kinds of movies or TV episodes online from Chinese website such as www.youku.com, tv.sohu.com and www.tudou.com. But many of them limit the access