Right after I setup this blog, I added Google Adsense to my website as part of the experiment. The process is shown in this  post in December 29th last year. So how did it go and what can I learn about it?

I have added 3 ad units in TPS website.

  • Two in the right side bar:”blog_right_top1″ which is a “text/image 250×250” on the top of the sidebar and “blog_main” which is a “text/image 160×600” on the bottom of the side bar.
  • One in the post content “blog_in_post1” which is a “text 480×60”.

So after 5 months, how are they doing? Are they creating any ad money for me? Which one is better?

Well, let’s take a look at the following detailed report:


Clearly  we got a winner here: “blog_right_top1” with 13 clicks made me $2.55. “blog_in_post1” follows with 7 clicks creating $1.23. The “blog_main” has the highest CPC of $0.55 but became the least performer since there is only 1 click on it.

This result actually confirm some of the website heat map findings such as this blog post.

  • Contents on the top get the most attention (blog_right_top1 with most clicks)
  • User consciously or sub-consciously ignore something looks like ads (blog_main image only)

So I decided to make a little adjustment to pull blog_main half way through to the right middle.


Let’s see what will happen to the result in a couple of months.

If you are a reader of my posts and find something you actually want to check out in the ads, please click on it. It might give me a small surprise when I check the result next time.

How Did My Google Adsense Go?
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