Many people have asked me this question recently so I figure it might be worth to write it down to benefit a larger audience.

Here are the steps you need to take.

Step 1: Create COE file for the data from Memory Editor.

In the recent ISE versions, the Memory Editor is removed from menu options and you need to run a script “mem_edit” from the command line window.

For Linux user:

First setup the system environment variables with script: [Installation dir]/ISE_DS/settings64.csh

Then run the mem_edit from [Installation dir]/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/mem_edit

The Memory Editor window looks like this. You can simply edit the values in the GUI.


For Windows Users:

You can run the mem_edit.bat from the “ISE command window”. Run from ISE command window instead of the regular system command window is important.

After you are done with the editing, goto “File->Generate” to generate the COE file. The COE file is used in CoreGen to create the MIF file. After that, it is not needed for synthesis and FPGA creation.


Step 2: Generate the BRAM with CoreGen

You can generate ROM or RAM with the BRAM and with initial values. Just specify the COE file as the initial file in Step 4 of Block Memory Generator.


After you click the “Generate”, the CoreGen will create the verilog model as well as MIF file.

The BRAM module with and without INIT_FILE are compared below.


The MIF file is actually a pure text file. So if you need to update ROM content, it is actually very efficient to use a script file to re-generate the MIF file only.

The files used in this article is attached here for your reference.

Step 3: Synthesis and Create Your FPGA build

Nothing special is required for this step.

Good luck and let us know how it works for you.

How to Initialize BRAM with COE file for Xilinx FPGA
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2 thoughts on “How to Initialize BRAM with COE file for Xilinx FPGA

  • September 28, 2014 at 8:46 pm

    Some of the synthesis tool (such as Synplicify) can automatically detect and convert an array initialized with readmemh or readmemb to use BRAM.

  • February 18, 2019 at 4:53 am

    how i can convert coe file from fpga ip core again to image ?


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